Michelle Oberman

Michelle Oberman

Michelle Oberman, the Katharine and George Alexander Professor of Law at Santa Clara University, presented on the battle over abortion law.

Christian Parenti

Christian Parenti

As a journalist, Parenti has reported extensively from Afghanistan, Iraq, and various parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. In addition to The Nation, Parenti’s articles have appeared in Fortune, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Middle East Report, London Review of Books, and Mother Jones.

Ira Flatow, Bronwen Konecky, Gavin Schmidt

Ira Flatow, Bronwen Konecky, Gavin Schmidt

The Compton/Ferguson lecture series, established decades ago with endowed funds to support programs covering topics in science, has ended its hiatus and is reappearing this fall under the title, Science Matters.

Col. Frank Sobchak

Col. Frank Sobchak

Retired Col. Frank Sobchak discussed lessons from the Iraq War. Col. Sobchak is co-author of the “U.S. Army in the Iraq War” report, the first U.S. government history of the war.