Tom Coleman and Russ Carnahan

Tom Coleman and Russ Carnahan

This discussion focused on the topics of voting rights and the threats facing American democracy and featured former U.S. congressmen Russ Carnahan, a Democrat from St. Louis, and Tom Coleman, a Republican from Kansas City.

Ian Bogost

Ian Bogost

Noted media studies scholar and game designer, Ian Bogost, presented three talks exploring the theory and concepts of play and games under the auspices of the 2021 Humanities Series.

Laurel Kendall

Laurel Kendall

Kendall, curator of Asian Ethnographic Collections at the American Museum of Natural History, delivered the Morrell Memorial Lecture in Asian Religions on“Gods and Things in Four Asian Places.”

Natalia Aleksiun

Natalia Aleksiun

Professor Natalia Aleksiun delivered the 2021 Holocaust Memorial Lecture on“Jewish Physicians and Their Patients: Rescue Strategies in Nazi Occupied Poland.”

Holden Thorp, Gil Eyal, Tess Lanzarotta, Damon Scott Tweedy and Yolonda Y. Wilson

Holden Thorp, Gil Eyal, Tess Lanzarotta, Damon Scott Tweedy and Yolonda Y. Wilson

A panel of leading academics discussed “Gatekeeping & the Publishing Landscape for Scholarship on Race, Medicine & Science.”

Moogega Cooper

Moogega Cooper

NASA’s Moogega Cooper delivered the keynote address at the 2021 She Leads Symposium, hosted by the Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Fellowship for Women in Graduate Study at Washington University in St. Louis.

Kristin Henning

Kristin Henning

Georgetown Law Professor Kristin Henning joined Daniel Harawa (WashU Law) to discuss her new book, Rage of Innocence: How America Criminalizes Black Youth.

Joy Williams

Joy Williams

Legendary writer Joy Williams had a special reading and conversation about her first novel in 20 years, "Harrow." The event also celebrated her literary papers and the “Joy Williams: Honored Guest” exhibition in Olin Library and online.

Danielle Allen

Danielle Allen

Distinguished political theorist, Danielle Allen, gave a presentation that challenged common assumptions about both the founding of the United States and the implications of the Declaration of Independence.

Panel of Speakers

Panel of Speakers

In a session titled “Inclusive Growth in St. Louis: Embracing Inclusive Leadership,” a panel of experts from different sectors discussed strategies to create inclusive and meaningful leadership.

Carlotta Gall

Carlotta Gall

In this discussion, titled “Understanding Afghanistan: Insights from the New York Times,” the New York Times’ Istanbul bureau chief, Carlotta Gall, shared insights about Afghanistan.

Kevin McKeegan

Kevin McKeegan

Professor Kevin McKeegan delivered the Robert M. Walker Distinguished Lecture titled “Sampling the Solar System: A Key in Our Quest to Understand Earth’s Origin and Evolution.”

Distinguished Professor of Cosmochemistry and Geochemistry, University of California - Los Angeles

Tishaura Jones, Andrew Martin and Yannick Tagan

Tishaura Jones, Andrew Martin and Yannick Tagan

On November 30, 2021 St.Louis-born performing artist and civil rights activist Josephine Baker became the first woman of color to be inducted into France’s Pantheon.